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4 Tips to Fix a Slow Draining Sink

20 Sep 2021

Clogs happen. In fact, they happen so regularly in many homes that they’re seen as an inevitable nuisance. But why are they so inevitable? Some of the most common causes of buildup in your drains…

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How to Clean Your Aerator

11 May 2021

Is your faucet suddenly spraying unevenly? A sputtering faucet is a good indicator that your aerator may be dirty. What is an aerator? An aerator is the small mesh screen you can see at the…

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How to Fix a Leaky Faucet

10 May 2021

If you haven’t experienced this problem before, you will at some point in your lifetime — one of the most common plumbing problems in any home is a leaking faucet. According to the Environmental Protection…

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Repair or Replace: Plumbing Fixtures

09 May 2021

As a homeowner, you’ll likely struggle with this conundrum at one point or another. Read our FAQs on repairing and replacing plumbing fixtures to get some basic direction for your next plumbing project: Can I…

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8 Ways to Make a Small Bathroom Feel Larger

12 Jan 2021

Depending on where you live, you may not get much of a say in how your bathroom is designed. But you can use some simple design tips to make even the most cramped space feel…

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Why Flushing Your Fish Won’t Free Them

11 Jan 2021

Any child who’s had a pet goldfish has likely wondered about what really happens when you flush a fish down the toilet. Movies like Finding Nemo and Flushed Away may convince children and their parents…

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3 Bad Plumbing Habits to Leave in 2020

10 Jan 2021

2020 was a mess—there’s no getting around that fact. Thankfully, we’re on the other side, and there’s no better time to reflect and grow from past mistakes. Our plumbers collected the top three plumbing mistakes…

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Follow These Plumbing Tips Every Season

10 Dec 2020

Your plumbing is one of your essential home systems and, as such, should be taken care of year-round. The last thing anyone wants is to have to deal with a messy or costly plumbing leak…

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Holiday Foods That Destroy Your Plumbing

03 Nov 2020

Don’t let plumbing issues distract you from spending time with your loved ones. Here are some items that should not be put down your drain: Turkey Wishbone Also: Other Bones, Meat Sides Bones, meat, and…

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Hazards of Gas Lines

02 Nov 2020

Natural gas is an affordable and reliable power source for your home. Still, gas lines and gas-powered appliances can have significant repercussions on your family’s health and safety if damaged. Are natural gas appliances safe?…

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New Van

Got a plumbing problem?

When you need plumbing services in San Jose, Santa Clara, or any of the communities in the surrounding Bay Area, count on EJ Plumbing. With more than a decade of industry experience, our expertly-trained technicians can handle just about any plumbing problem you may have. From drain cleaning to water leaks, sewer line replacements, toilet repairs, and more, you can rely on us for all your residential plumbing needs. We even offer emergency services upon availability for serious issues that just can't wait. Our dependable team is always available to assist you.