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Safeguarding Your Pipes and the Planet: Eco-Friendly Drain Cleaning Solutions

15 Feb 2024
Water flowing down the drain

When faced with a clogged drain, reaching for harsh chemical drain cleaners may seem like the quickest solution. However, these chemicals can be harmful to your pipes, your health, and the environment. Fortunately, there are…

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The Root Causes of Drain Clogs

24 Jan 2024
Severely clogged drain

Dealing with persistent drain clogs can be a frustrating experience for homeowners. To prevent these issues, it’s essential to understand the root causes behind drain blockages. When dealing with clogs and sewer backup in Mountain…

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DIY Drain Cleaning: Myths and Realities

15 Jan 2024
Clogged drain

Maintaining a clear and functional plumbing system should always be a priority for homeowners. The allure of DIY drain cleaning, however, can sometimes lead to misconceptions and unintended consequences. When dealing with clogged drains, having…

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Drain Cleaning for Outdoor and Storm Drains

22 Dec 2023
Water flowing down a storm drain

Outdoor and storm drains have a pivotal role in directing rainwater away from vulnerable areas in your home and are indispensable for maintaining a dry and safe environment. Regular maintenance of these drains is key…

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Drain Cleaning Tips For Bigger Homes with Extensive Plumbing

11 Dec 2023
Drain being de-clogged

Keeping the drains clear and functional in a larger home with extensive plumbing can be quite a challenge. But as long as you’ve got help from a top-tier plumber in San Jose, CA like the…

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The Impact of Neglecting Drain Maintenance: How Professionals Can Save the Day

16 Nov 2023
Clogged drain being cleared by a plumber

Troublesome drains? Don’t fret. Easy plumbing solutions are at the tip of your fingers. By getting help from a top-tier plumber in Los Altos Hills, CA, any plumbing complication you may be having can easily…

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Are Chemical Cleaners Effective for Clogged Drains? Why Professional Help is Safer

16 Nov 2023
Severely clogged drain

If you’re dealing with a clog drain, it might be tempting to turn to DIY methods and chemical drain cleaners for a quick solution to your problem. Unfortunately, many experts attest that these chemical cleaners…

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Types of Drain Cleaning Used by Plumbers

27 Sep 2023
clogged drain in San Jose, CA

Drain clogs not only impede your drain but also create health hazards in your home. If you can’t seem to clear a stubborn clog, you may need to call a plumber in San Jose, CA.…

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Why is My Kitchen Sink Filling With Water?

15 Mar 2023

A kitchen sink filled with water can be a worrying sight. Not only is it an inconvenience, but it can also indicate a more severe problem with your plumbing. To help you figure out why…

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How to Keep Cooking Grease From Clogging Your Plumbing

13 Jan 2023

Clogged drains and pipes can cause serious damage to your home, not to mention the hassle of finding a plumber. One of the most common causes of clogged plumbing is cooking grease. When you pour…

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Got a plumbing problem?

When you need plumbing services in San Jose, Santa Clara, or any of the communities in the surrounding Bay Area, count on EJ Plumbing. With more than a decade of industry experience, our expertly-trained technicians can handle just about any plumbing problem you may have. From drain cleaning to water leaks, sewer line replacements, toilet repairs, and more, you can rely on us for all your residential plumbing needs. We even offer emergency services upon availability for serious issues that just can't wait. Our dependable team is always available to assist you.