Which Parts Of Your Home Needs Drain Cleaning The Most?

New Van
drain cleaning a bathroom drain

Drain cleaning is a preventative measure that prevents clogs, blockages, and other issues. Your trusted plumber in San Jose, CA understands its importance to maintain the functionality and efficiency of your plumbing system.

While every part of your home’s plumbing system can benefit from drain cleaning, certain areas are more prone to problems and need extra attention.

Kitchen Drains

The kitchen is one of the busiest areas in the home. These drains often bear the brunt of food debris, grease, and soap scum. Over time, these substances accumulate inside the pipes. They lead to stubborn clogs, unpleasant odors, and emergency plumbing. Regular drain cleaning prevents blockages and keeps your kitchen drains flowing smoothly.

Bathroom Drains

Hair, soap residue, and toothpaste are common causes of clogged bathroom drains. Mineral deposits from hard water also build up inside the pipes, further restricting water flow. Drain cleaning is essential for maintaining clear drains in the bathroom. It will also prevent backups in sinks, showers, and tubs.

Laundry Room Drains

The laundry room also needs drain cleaning. Lint, dirt, and detergent residues accumulate in the washing machine drain, leading to slow drainage and blockages. Regular drain cleaning keeps the laundry room drains free from debris. It also ensures efficient water removal during the wash cycle.

Basement Floor Drains

Basements are susceptible to water intrusion from heavy rains or leaks. Floor drains in the basement prevent flooding by draining excess water away from the foundation. These drains can become clogged with dirt, debris, and sediment over time. Regular drain cleaning keeps basement floor drains clear and prevents water damage.

Outdoor Drains

Outdoor drains, such as those in the yard or driveway, can get leaves, dirt, and other debris that can accumulate and cause blockages. These drains play a crucial role in preventing water pooling and flooding. Regular drain cleaning helps to maintain proper drainage and prevents water damage to your property.

Make sure to cover all these areas for proper drain cleaning to avoid nasty surprises and water damage. Call EJ Home Services today for expert drain cleaning. Our 20-plus years in the industry and BBB accreditation make us the top plumbing company of choice.

New Van

Got a plumbing problem?

When you need plumbing services in San Jose, Santa Clara, or any of the communities in the surrounding Bay Area, count on EJ Plumbing. With more than a decade of industry experience, our expertly-trained technicians can handle just about any plumbing problem you may have. From drain cleaning to water leaks, sewer line replacements, toilet repairs, and more, you can rely on us for all your residential plumbing needs. We even offer emergency services upon availability for serious issues that just can't wait. Our dependable team is always available to assist you.